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Introduction to Robotics: Get Started in Robotics: An Introduction to the Fascinating World of Robots

ByDavid E. Olson

Jan 7, 2023

Just imagine a robot. maybe you imagined a robot arm which is in the factory or perhaps a robot looks like a human who has hands, legs and a head, or perhaps another type of robot.


have you ever watched the i-robot or wall-E movie?

we can talk with robots and the robot works for us. can you imagine that? according to Elon musk, it is not just a fantasy world anymore.

in 1920 the word “robot” was invented by Czech novelist Karel Capek.


There are various types of sub-categories in robotics

  • Mobile Robot
    • Rolling Robots
    • Walking Robots
  • Stationary Robots
  • BEAM Robots
  • Articulated Robots
  • Autonomous Robots
  • Remote-Control Robots
  • Social Robots

Now let’s talk about each of the sub-categories

Mobile robots

Basically, Mobile robots are divided into two categories. mobile means that they can move to another location.

  • Rolling Robots

A rolling robot one that can move from one location to another by using wheels.

  • Walking Robots

these kinds of robots have legs. Some of them have two, four, or six legs.

Stationary Robots

These robots stay in place; most of them have an arm similar to ours. These stationary robots are used in most factories.

BEAM Robots

BEAM stands for B- biology E- electronics A-aesthetics and M- mechanics. look like insects. they work for low power and most of them have small solar panels. simple analogue circuits are used in most of the BEAM robots.

Articulated Robots

Most articulated robots look similar to industrial stationary robots. Because each robot has at least one arm.

The main difference between stationary and articulated robots is that articulated robots have robotic arms but can move. Some articulated robots do not remain stationary.

Actually, some stationary robots are included in the articulated robot type.

Autonomous Robots

These robots have brains and they can support themself. for example “iRobot Verro” is an autonomous type of robot. and which is used to clean the swimming pools and has the ability clean pools without taking human input.

Remote-Control Robots

The most common robot type these days is Remote Control Robot. drones and RC cars are examples of this category.

Social Robots

Social robots consider the final robot category. You may have seen a lot of these robots’ advertisements on Amazon. visit –

Now we discussed the main sub-category of robotics.


Robotics makes a huge influence in many sectors such as the manufacturing industry, Agriculture, Medicine, Transportation, and space exploration and you can see the huge development in the military.

Robotic process automation (RPA) market size worldwide from 2020 to 2030(in billion U.S. dollars)


source –

this is the future of robotics in the world. the main key points of using robots are reducing cost and expediting enterprise. can remember the Charly and chocolate factory. Because of a robot, Charles’ father’s job was lost.

Main uses of Robots

  • Consider repetitive tasks in the industry. That type of task can be managed to perform by robots. Then we can speed up the process while maintaining high accuracy.
  • Agriculture: most farmers use drones to spray Insecticides on their cultivated land.
  • Space exploration: Most of the projects in NASA and SpaceX used robots to do research in space and on Mars.
  • Healthcare: we already know that robots can do things more precisely than humans. This is a required skill for surgeons. therefore robots are used in the healthcare sector.
  • the new trend in robotics is manufacturing military robots.

now you know the types of robots, why we use robots and industries that are using robots.

This is an introductory robotics article. We are here for you if you want to learn about robotics. we suggest you learn Arduino. Arduino is the best platform to you start robotics. Learn Arduino…

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2 thoughts on “Introduction to Robotics: Get Started in Robotics: An Introduction to the Fascinating World of Robots”
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